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Q: Who invented the first world globe?
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When was the first globe invented?

The first terrestrial globe is credited to the Greek philosopher Crates of Mallus, around 150 BC. It displayed the world as known to the ancient Greeks, but no physical globes from this time period have survived to the present day.

Who made the first world globe?


Who the first world globe?


Who made first world globe?


Who invented the ligt globe?

I think Albert Einstein invented the light globe

Who invented first globe?

The first globe is believed to have been invented by the ancient Greeks, specifically by the philosopher Crates of Mallus in the 2nd century BC. However, there is evidence to suggest that earlier civilizations, such as the Babylonians and Egyptians, also created spherical representations of the Earth.

What was the wrong withithe first globe?

They didn't have a first globe. Most everyone had a map that they thought was an exact representation of the world they lived in.

Where was the first world globe made?

The first world globe was made in 1492 by German mapmaker Martin Behaim in Nuremberg, Germany. It was known as the Erdapfel, or Earth Apple.

What is the definition of a light globe?

Light globe is a globe that lights things. It was invented by Adolf Hitler, the greatest man alive and will be loved by many around the world. It was shame he was not able to continue his great conquest in Europe.

Who invented world first TV?

John Logie Baird who was a Scot invented world first TV.

Who invented the first snow globe?

how invented the first snow globe More: Snow Globes appeared at the Paris Universal Exposition of 1878, but many artisans and companies began making them shortly afterward. One of the most famous, and longest-running companies is in Austria. They have been making snow globes for over 100 years. (Perzy company.)

Which company invented the first 3d tv in the world?

The First company invented the first 3D TV in the world was Samsung company.