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Q: Who caused the Columbian Exchange?
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In the Columbian exchange smallpox caused?

the decimation of the native American population.

What is a synonym for columbian exchange?

One synonym for the Columbian Exchange is the "Great Exchange."

The effects of the Columbian Exchange were harmful or beneficial?

The effects of the Columbian Exchange were both harmful and beneficial. This is because the diseases caused native Americans to die but new goods were spread to different areas.

The triangle trade and the Columbian Exchange?

The Triangular change and the Columbian exchange is the same thing Columbian exchange is a long term for The Triangular Trade.

What role did the Columbian exchange play in the formation of an Atlantic world?

The Columbian exchange introduced disease, famine and non native species of animals to the Atlantic world. The disease caused many epidemics among the Natives and the species of new animals wreaked havoc on plants. The Columbian exchange also changed the terrain

How can Columbian Exchange be used in a sentence?

The Columbian Exchange is still used today.

What was a result of Columbus's coming to the New World?

The Columbian exchange

Create a sentence using Columbian Exchange?

Columbian Exchange is something that Columbian used to exchange goods, they imported and exported all types of food and utensils.

What was negative consequence of the columbian exchange?

A negative product of the Columbian Exchange was the transfer of diseases

How did exploration set off a global exchange of goods and services?

because they had the columbian exchange; columbian exchange is a global exchange of goods and ideas

What do historians call the movement of people plant animals and germs caused by Columbus's expeditions?

The Columbian Exchange was the exchange of American and European animals, plants, and diseases.

What do historians call the movement of people plants animals and germs caused by Columbus expedition?

The Columbian Exchange was the exchange of American and European animals, plants, and diseases.