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Q: Who are some kind people from history?
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What does the phrase some leaders make history others are made by history and still others are run over by history mean?

Well, to me it sounds like, some people aspire to do great things to make history and achieve, and some people they can't really help it but something that makes history just happens to them, and some people just don't make history. hope my answer helps (it was kind of a guess ;)

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Totem Poles

What kind of impact did these inaccurate paradigms from history have on the world?

answer this questionwhat are some paradigms from history that have been incomplete

Why do some people like History?

Some people want to find out about their past, what people did back then, and find out what their ancestors did.

Do you like Air?

No kind of No kind of No kind of It depends on what kind of person you are to whether you like it or not. Some people think its cheesy. Some people like it because it has dogs.

What is the history of damath?

damath is a kind of game that people loves to play jus t like chess . . . .. .

Do you like air bud?

No kind of No kind of No kind of It depends on what kind of person you are to whether you like it or not. Some people think its cheesy. Some people like it because it has dogs.

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Was coast Salish a kind group of people?

Coast Salish are kind to their people and, maybe, kind to some other clans.

What were some of the different kind of pilgrimages people undertook?

Spiritual pilgrimage involves visiting sites with strong spiritual history like mecca, Isreal. People also embark on health pilgrimage for health reasons.

What are some famous lines from history?

Some famous quote lines from history are "I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past" by Thomas Jefferson and the quote "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it." which was said by Winston Churchill.