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i think it is working women because they have a job and they have to also do the housework

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Q: Who are more hard working working women or house wife?
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Who were the Jacobins during the French revolution?

The Jacobins were a political party of the extreme Left, based on a club which met in a former convent dedicated to St. James.

How did the amount of working women change during world war 1?

After the turn of the centery, more and more laws were being made. Because of the 19 adment women were starting to enlist in the armed forces. Eventually, many decades later, women started to finally come in the armed forces. Most in the army.

What were the working conditions for women like in World War 1?

=Working Conditions for Women in World War one were very dangerous. Since they had to makeammunition for the soldiers they it was very dangerous, because if one of the guns burst that can set off all the rest. It was a very dangerous job for the women to do that's why right when the men came home from war they went right back to their homes to do their regular jobs. The women got paid for working at those jobs but only half the price as men! They even put more hours into their jobs. The women noticed that they were not getting treated with the same respect as men so the women went on strike. When the women got the right to vote they decide to stop going on strike and go back to work sooner or later they got their jobs back that the men needed help for. Now these days women are in freedom from being in prison!!!=

What were some jobs in the romantic period?

Over time, people began working in factories more often than working in their own homes, with the textile industry being the first one to move the majority of jobs into factories. Factories hired a large number of women and children. There was a prevalent belief that everyone should be self-reliant and that everyone could become successful by working hard and saving money. Skilled workers sometimes had paid holidays. To be considered a member of the middle class, a family had to have at least one servant.

What ways was society more open?

Society changed after world war 1, young people experimented with modern values. Women set aside earlier forms of dress, wearing new styles that were made looser and shorter. Many women also started working in new careers

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What can men learn from a woman?

that you have to be nicer to people and more sensitive to their feelings, women earn everything by working hard for it....

What can woman learn from men?

that you have to be nicer to people and more sensitive to their feelings, women earn everything by working hard for it....

What are the reasons behind women are better administrator than men at office?

They say that women and more hard-working and dedicated than men when it comes to working at an office. It's just a generalization. Women are most stern too.

What are the comparative and superlative forms of the word hard-working?

more hard-working, most hard-working

Advantages of working in the great house?

Some of the advantages of working in the great house included a lighter amount of work along with less hard labor. The people working in the great house also received more food and less punishment since they were closely supervised and became almost members of the family.

What effect did the end of world war 2 have on American women who worked in defense industries during the war?

They got much more respect and were treateed more equally to men so they where able to get hard working jobs instead of staying in the kitchen being a house mom.............where they belong

What effect did the end of the world war 2 have on American women who worked in defense industries during the war?

They got much more respect and were treateed more equally to men so they where able to get hard working jobs instead of staying in the kitchen being a house mom.............where they belong

Is women's Fitness different from men's?

It depends on which area you're trying to work out. Men's Fitness is usually more aggressive and more hard-working than Women's Fitness. Women's Fitness usually takes longer, because you're taking time.

What effect did the end of World War 2 have on American women who worked in defense industries during World War?

They got much more respect and were treateed more equally to men so they where able to get hard working jobs instead of staying in the kitchen being a house mom.............where they belong

How many women are in the house of reps?

There are 1,5500 women in that house.

Why enslaved women dislike working in the great house?

Enslaved women often disliked working in the great house because it increased their vulnerability to sexual exploitation and abuse by the slaveholder and other white men living on the property. Additionally, they were forced to take on more demanding and unpleasant domestic work, with little to no autonomy or recognition for their labor. Working in the great house also meant being separated from their families and communities, further increasing their sense of isolation and powerlessness.

Did women have more rights in either of the city-states Sparta or Athens?

The women of Sparta had rights, participating in sports and open lifestyle, compared with Athenian women who were kept in purdah in the home rearing children and working in the house and garden.