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the first country to be declared at war with Germany was Serbia after they made an alliance with Austria/Hungary after Serbia killed the archduke Franz Ferdinand who was next in the line for the throne.

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Q: Which was the first country to which Germany declared an ultimatum of war during the World War 1?
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Austria during world war 2?

As Hitler's birthplace, Austria was the first country which he absorbed into the Nazi fold after becaming Chancellor of Germany, and it was an Axis country during the war, but it was nothing more than a puppet of Germany. Austria was annexed by Germany in 1938, and the territory and its people were considered to be German for the duration of the war.

How do you defend Germany in a world war 1 debate?

Germany did not start World War I. They only declared war on Russia because Russia mobilized troops toward the German border because Russia got involved in a territorial dispute between Austria, Germany's ally, and Serbia. Germany most likely would have ignored a fight between the monstrous Austria and little, tiny Serbia, but Russia made a threatening move on Germany which the couldn't ignore. Germany invaded France, but France had already declared war on Germany after Germany went to war with Russia, France's ally. During a war between to nations with a border, one is bound to invade the other and Germany made the first move. There isn't really an excuse for Germany's invasion of Belgium, so if it is mentioned in the debate, I'd suggest BSing an answer and moving on quickly.

What country was given all of the blame for World War 1?

Germany was largely blamed for World War 1. The Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919, placed full responsibility for the war on Germany and its allies and imposed large reparations on them. This blame contributed to the political and economic instability in Germany during the post-war period.

What country was aligned with Germany during both world wars?

During the First World War, Germany was allied with the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and Italy. Italy later changed sides in the war. During the Second Word War, Germany was originally allied with Italy, Japan, and the Soviet Union. Germany later betrayed the Soviet Union in 1942. Nazi Germany also established pro-Nazi puppet governments in Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Slovakia, and Japan established a puppet government in Thailand.

During World War 2 Germany was an allied power?

No, Germany was an Axis Power

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What country was invaded by Germany just before war was declared during world war 2?

because they dont know what to do and they were bored so they invaded it.

When did Germany declared war?

Germany (Prussia) and France declared war on each other in 1870 during the Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871.

What countries did Germany declare war on in World War 2?

acutally the only country germany declared war on was the united states no other country only them. why u ask well germany didn't declare war on any other countries because the other countries they were at war with already declared on germany and there was no need to declare war on them

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During WWII, San Marino initially declared was on Britain, then when Italy declared surrender SanMarinodeclaredneutrality. In September 1944 San Marino declared war on Germany. During WWII, San Marino initially declared was on Britain, then when Italy declared surrender SanMarinodeclaredneutrality. In September 1944 San Marino declared war on Germany.

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Hitler declared war on the USA on 11 December 1941, during a Reichstag speech in Berlin.

Why did the British declare war on the Germans?

The British declared war on Germany during World War I because Germany violated Belgian neutrality by invading Belgium in August 1914, which was seen as a threat to British interests and potential aggression towards Britain. In World War II, the British declared war on Germany after Germany invaded Poland in September 1939, triggering Britain's declaration of war to honor their commitment to defend Poland's sovereignty.

Why did the US claim war on Germany?

it was part of the alliance thing germany was in alliance with japan and japan attacked usa in pearl harbour and declared war on japn therefore on germany as well answer 2: During World War 2, after Japan attacked the US, the US declared war on Japan. Germany in response declared war on the US, the only such declaration made by Nazi Germany. In response to the German declaration, the US declared war on Germany.

Who declared England a protestant country during the reformation?

Henry VIII .

What was the japanese ultimatum during the pearl harbor attacks?

As far as I know, there was no ultimatum involved, but I may be wrong.

Why did japan invade germany?

Japan didn't invade Germany. During World War II, Japan actually joined Germany. It was part of the Axis which included Germany, Italy and Japan. After the United States declared war on Japan, Italy and Germany, as Japan's allies, declared war on the United States.

Who was against Great Britain during world war 2?

Germany. Answer: yes Germany but Italy and Japan also declared war against Britain.

Who were the aggressors during the Holocaust?

Nazi Germany were the Aggressors during the Holocaust. The Aggressors during the holocaust were... (to use to the literal term), Any who first declared war or went on the offensive. Such as -Britain and France who declared war on Germany after It attacked Poland. 1939 September third. Although it is true that Germany was an aggressor. Please refer to the related link for a useful timeline for World War 2.