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The Anschluss was a threat to European peace as it undermined the Treaty of Versailles and increased Hitler's power and the resources available at his disposal. Germany and Austria-Hungary also surrounded the west of Czechoslovakia, which would eventually lead to him invaded in March 1939. The fact that Britain and France did nothing undermined their power and the power of appeasement.

The Sudetenland Crisis threatened European peace as Germany gained the resources of the Sudetenland- most notably the factories and armaments on the west border. It was the first time that war had been threatened in Europe, and was in some way responsible for the later Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact as Russia had been left out of the Munich Conference despite the fact they had allied with Czechoslovakia, and felt betrayed. It led to the collapse of Czechoslovakia as they other nationalities started pushing for independence- Poland gained part of Czechoslovia in October 1938 and Hungary in November 1938, followed by the Slovaks in March 1939.

Therefore, I personally believe the Sudetenland Crisis was a bigger threat to peace, however the Anschluss led to Hitler being able to target the Sudetenland, as he was able to surround it.

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Q: Which was the biggest threat to European peace in the 1930s anschluss or the sudetenland?
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Why were European leaders more eager to punish Germany than President Wilson was?

After World War I, European leaders wanted to punish Germany for decimating the lands of the other European countries as well as for the lives lost. The United States was never under any real threat and the land was not affected.

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Signed just prior to the outbreak of World War II, the German-Soviet treaty was a threat to European peace because it gave Hitler and other Nazi leaders firm assurance that they could engage in battle with Western nations without having to open up an "Eastern Front" against the Soviet Union. In this way, they gained further confidence that they could enter into a war with tremendous prospects for victory.

Why was cold war such a threat to a world peace?

The two biggest powers in the world did not trust each other and looked at their interests in Europe in particular and their build up of nuclear weapons as major issues. The Soviet Union had extended its influence into eastern Europe, setting up a communist bloc. This was seen as a threat. They both had nuclear weapons. They were both increasing their stocks and doing other things to build their power, like in the space race. There were some serious issues, like in the Cuban Missile Crisis, which nearly caused conflict.

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By claiming Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, making it a threat to national security

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