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Q: Which event marks the final stage in the collapse of the Songhai empire?
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What caused the final collapse of the westerne empire?

the final collapse was due to worsening internal problems, the separation of the western empire from the wealthier eastern empire, and increasing outside invasions.

What caused the finale collapse of the western empire?

the final collapse was due to worsening internal problems, the separation of the western empire from the wealthier eastern empire, and increasing outside invasions.

When was the final collapse of the western roman empire?

1453 is the year of the final collapse of the Roman empire. It is the year that Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks.

Who makes the laws in Songhai?

The laws were influenced from the Mali Empire, so that's where most of the laws came from. But as new rulers reigned new laws were made. If someone broke the law they were delt with by the royal justice where mostly the king decided the verdict.

What were the final results of the war?

The collapse of the USSR.

What are reasons for the roman empire collapse?

The decline of the Roman Empire refers to the societal collapse encompassing both the gradual disintegration of the political, economic, military, and other social institutions of Rome and the barbarian invasions that were its final doom. This slow decline occurred over an estimated period of 320 years which many historians believe finally culminated on September 4, 476 when Romulus Augustus, the last Emperor of the Western Roman Empire was deposed by Odoacer, a Germanic chieftain. Many scholars maintain that rather than a definite "fall" or "collapse" of the Roman Empire, the changes can be more accurately described as a complex transformation.

What caused the final collapse of the western roman empire?

The major cause of the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire was the invasions by the Germanic peoples. The Romans lacked unity and were unable to fend off these invasions. These peoples, and two more Germanic peoples, who had been allowed to settle in parts of the empire, took over lands in this part of the empire. Eventually all of its lands were seized, except for Italy. At the end of this process, even Italy was taken over by the Ostrogoths, who were sent there by the eastern Roman Emperor to depose a usurper.

What will be the event final medal award 2012 London?

The final event of the 2012 Olympics will be the Modern Pentathlon.

What was the final assault on Easter Island?

The final assault on Easter Island occurred in the 1860s when slave raiders kidnapped a significant portion of the island's population to work in mines in Peru. This event, along with diseases introduced by outsiders, decimated the local population and resulted in the collapse of the island's society.

Is Master hand in the final event of Super Smash Bros Brawl's event match mode?

no, the final event is the battle with snake, sonic and giant Mario on event 41.

Which battle led most directly to Germany's final collapse?

the battle of buldge

Which best describe the final in our sun's life cycle?

It will collapse and become a white dwarf