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Q: Which country was not invited to the peace conference in Paris 1919?
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Which nation was not invited to join the Paris Peace Conference?

Germany was not invited for obvious reasons. Russia was also left out since they pulled out of the war early.

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How did Woodrow wilsons fourteen points differ from the Paris peace conference agreements?

The Fourteen Points argued that no country should be punished for the war, while the Paris Peace Conference called for harsh punishments for Germany.

Why was Russia not invited to attend the Paris Peace Conference?

Russia had already concluded a separate peace treaty with Germany a year before on March 3, 1918: the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

Who represented Germany in the Peace Conference?

who represented germany at the paris peace conference

Who wasn't invited to attend the peace conference?


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The big four peace makers at the Paris peace conference were the United states Britain France and which other country?

The Paris Peace Conference in 1919, also known as Versailles Peace Conference, Involved diplomats from 32 countries including major powers France, Britain, Italy, Japan and the United States.

The big four peacemakers at the Paris peace conference were the us Britain France and which other country?


What was the name of the Conference where the Treaty of Versailles was signed?

paris peace conference.

Major obstacles to peace at The Paris peace conference?

There have been numerous peace conferences in Paris. Which one are you referring to?

How do you think Germany felt not being invited to the Paris Peace Conference?

really bad and important like thay didnt have any purpose in the war abd they were not needed