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the India british nation has over power several countries,many countries are britished ruled imparticular,and british emprecountry,Australia.ETC

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Q: Which countries were ruled by the British empire?
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The British Empire ruled more than a third of the world.

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The British, they ruled a quarter of the world. The Americans never had an empire.

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The British Empire.

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the USA

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British Empire ruled India more than 200 years.

What countries are ruled by emperor?

Countries ruled by Emperors are Empires. Currently there is only one Emperor in the world and it's Emperor Akihito of Japan (which isn't technically an Empire!) Past countries ruled by an emperor were: Roman Empire (Augustus was the worlds first emperor) Byzantine Empire Persian Empire Ottoman Empire Holy Roman Empire Austrian Empire Bulgarian Empire Serbian Empire Aztec Empire Inca Empire Russian Empire French Empire (Napoleon) British Empire (although the emperor usually called sovereign or king/queen) German Empire Spanish Empire Chinese Empire Japanese Empire Korean Empire Mongolian Empire Vietnamese Empire Brazilian Empire Ethiopian Empire Somalian Empire Central-African Empire

What countries were not in the British Empire?

Argentina, Chile and Peru were never in the British Empire

What countries in Asia are part of British empire?

The British Empire no longer exists.

Can you state out the 5 countries that allied ruled in World War 1?

France British Empire Russian Empire 1914-17 Italy 1914-18 United States 1914-18

How many countries did the British Empire ever rule?

The British Empire ruled approximately 90% of the world, being the largest empire on the planet at 33,700,000 km2 (13,012,000 sq mi).It is difficult to get an exact number because the treaties, political situations and boundary divisions were always changing.As an approximation, the British Empire ruled about 140 major countries, bearing in mind some now no longer exist as they have merged with other existing countries once independent.If you include protectorates, mandates and minor territories, that number stretches to approximately 192.It was often said that "the sun never sets on the British Empire". Because the span of the empire across the globe meant that the sun was always shining on at least one of the many British colonies.

What is a group of countries ruled by one other country that starts with emp?

A group of countries ruled by one other country is an empire