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Q: Which central power lost all of its empires and broken up into separate countries after world war 1?
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What central power lost all its empire and was broken up into separate countries after World War 1?

ottoman empire

How did World War 2 lead to the end of colonial empires?

Several colonies suppported their motherlands on the condition that after the war, they would become fully independent (like Canada and several African countries). Other countries, especially in Asia, saw their once all-powerful colonial masters reduced to internment camp inmates by the Japanese which fatally damaged their image of superiority. Japan also had rallied local support in the countries they conquered by advertising their invasions as 'liberation' wars from colonial occupation. After their defeat they left a lot of military hardware for the new nationalist movements to use.Another result of WW 2 was that it left countries like Britain and France economically broken and practically bankrupt. Hanging on to their former colonial empires would only have been feasible with the financial and military support of the US. But the US had made it a strict matter of policy not to support (and even actively discourage) any effort of re-establishing colonial empires.

Which central power fell after world war 1?

Austro - Hungarian Empire. The Ottoman Empire, another of the Central Powers, was also broken apart as a result of the Great War.

What surviving countries lost the most land after World War 1 ended?

Austria-Hungary was broken up into four separate nations so it could be considered as having lost a lot of territory. Russia ceded a significant amount of land to Germany when it surrender, however some was returned. The rest was used to make six nations.

What countries were created and which disappeared at the end of World War 2?

Czec Republic, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Yugoslavia, Slovakia, and Turkey were created. Austria-Hungary, Czechoslavakia, the Ottoman Empire, and Serbia were broken up into new countries. This information is incorrect. Austria-Hungary broke apart after WW1 as did the Ottoman Empire. Poland, Latvia, Estonia, etc were all created after WW1. I believe the answer is almost entirely about the end of WW1 and not WW2 like the question states.

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What central power lost all its empire and was broken up into separate countries after World War 1?

ottoman empire

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In the aftermath of WWI. The German and Ottoman empires were broken-up and administered by the winners as a halfway-house to independence.

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They did not contribute to anything. Empires are not made or broken by helmets and breastplates.

How did the changes in breastplates and helmets contribute to the decline of Rome?

They did not contribute to anything. Empires are not made or broken by helmets and breastplates.

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They did not contribute to anything. Empires are not made or broken by helmets and breastplates.