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France, & Belgium. Mostly in the area north & northeast of Paris, in the area where the Germans faced the Allies from 1914-1918.

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Q: Where was the most damage done in World War 1?
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What damage was done during world war 1?

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How much damage was done in World War 2?

$1 trillion USD in 1945

How much damage was done after World War 1 in England?

None, when the war ended, the air raids ended.

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Surrendering to limit the damage done to the country.

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The world went back to what it was before WW2, trying to repair the damage done by WW2.

In what 2 europeain countries was most of World War I fought in?

Most of World War 1 was fought in France and Belgium. French towns and rural areas suffered the most damage. The Belgian forests and border areas suffered damage.

Why were innocent people cruelly sacrificed in World War 2?

When it is intentional its called genocide. When its done in support of a war its called collateral damage.

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the most important job done by the women during the war was to work in the munitions factory

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Most people through out the world did NOT want a war. It was a neccessity at the time; something that had to be done.