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Q: Where did the Europeans go to get slaves to take to the Americas?
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Why did slaves go to America and what for?

When the native population declined, slaves were brought to America do perform work that Europeans wouldn't do. Africans were considered desirable for this purpose because they were easily distinguished from Europeans, were not Christians, and had no national government to protect them.

Why did the europeans trade in slaves?

Europeans traded in slaves because this was a free source of labor. They did not need to do the strenuous work by making their slaves do it for them, so it was on a high demand. If you had to clear 100 acres of forest land, and one acre clearing would take 15 to 20 years, would you rather do it yourself or have someone else do it? I would go with the latter. Slaves were first indentured servants and then became slaves. I would tell you the whole story, but that would dwell on a different question.

To what part of Africa did European slave traders go to find slaves to take to the Americas?

European slave traders mainly went to the coastal West African modern day nations such as Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone.

What Part of Africa did Europeans slave traders go to find slaves to take to the Americans?

European slave traders mainly went to the coastal West African modern day nations such as Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone.

What are some reasons that African were considered ideal laborers for the plantations and mines of the European colonists in the Americas?

The Africans were considered ideal laborers for the plantations of the Americas because many of those plantations were on the same latitude as Africa. The Africans had farmed the fields in Africa and could work on farms with a similar climate in America. Europeans had difficulty working in the fields of America that were on the same latitude as Africa. The weather was too hot. Africans only worked in the mines in the hottest parts of the Americas. Since the mines in the Appalachians were cooler, Europeans generally worked in those. Slaves were not considered ideal, however, in the upper South, slaves were not too busy in the winter and the mines were there. As a result, slaves were frequently used as mine workers in winter simply to keep them working. In spring, they would return to the farms. Yes Yes clarice go and wipe ye bum.Asians get a lot hornier around mid summer along with eating a lot more cat anus

What are some reason that African were considered ideal laborers for the plantations and mines of the European colonists in the Americas?

The Africans were considered ideal laborers for the plantations of the Americas because many of those plantations were on the same latitude as Africa. The Africans had farmed the fields in Africa and could work on farms with a similar climate in America. Europeans had difficulty working in the fields of America that were on the same latitude as Africa. The weather was too hot. Africans only worked in the mines in the hottest parts of the Americas. Since the mines in the Appalachians were cooler, Europeans generally worked in those. Slaves were not considered ideal, however, in the upper South, slaves were not too busy in the winter and the mines were there. As a result, slaves were frequently used as mine workers in winter simply to keep them working. In spring, they would return to the farms. Yes Yes clarice go and wipe ye bum.Asians get a lot hornier around mid summer along with eating a lot more cat anus

Where in the Americas did most slaves go?

Boston, Massachusetts -- the absolutist movement was strong there and many Africans felt safe there... All things changed after the fugitive slave law

How does slavery affect people today?

Towards the end of the 14th century, Europeans would take people from Africa against their will. In the beginning they were mainly used as servants, for the rich people. The Europeans said they did this to give the Africans a chance to become Christians. Approximately 15 million Africans were taken to the Americas between 1540 and 1850. To make more money slave merchants carried as many slaves as possible on their ships.By the 17th century Europeans began to build settlements in the Americas. Crops grown on these plantations like tobacco, rice, sugar cane and cotton was difficult and tiresome. That is why planters began to purchase slaves. In the beginning they came from the West Indies but by the end of 18th century they came straight from Africa. That is when slave-markets began in Philadelphia, Richmond, Charleston and New Orleans.In the mid-1800s it was estimated that about 88 % of America's slave-owners owned twenty slaves or less. Large landowners would usually own over 100 slaves. They relied mainly on overseers to run their plantations. These overseers were under an extreme amount of pressure to make the most money possible for the plantation owners. The overseers did this by threatening the slaves into working harder and faster for longer periods of time. Slaves worked from sunrise to sunset sometimes working eighteen hour a day.since we killed all the slave workers we pwned majorly

What did slave owners keep there slaves from doing?

Slaves owners deprived their slaves of the many things we, today, take for granted. Slaves were not allowed education, they were not allowed to go out how and when they wanted, they were not allowed to vote, they were not allowed to compain when they are abused, and slaves were not allowed to sleep in bed and wear proper clothing.

Who forced slaves to go fight in the civil war?

No one made slaves go in to war. Slaves chose whether to go in war or not.

Do black people hate cats?

Some do and some don't. There are racists in every race. The main reason for African ('Black') hatred toward Europeans ('Whites') is how the Europeans treated Africans back in the day. Africans were slaves to the Europeans.However, what many people don't know is how Africans became slaves. Most of the time, Europeans didn't just come over to Africa, round up a bunch of people, and ship them off to go work. Instead, they were sold/traded by their own people for supplies and weapons.

How long did African Slavery go on for?

Slavery and the slave trade in Africa continue to this day. The African slave trade existed prior to the arrival of Europeans and is known to be responsible for slavery in Northern Africa as well as for exporting millions of Africans as slaves to Middle Eastern countries as well as to Asia and the Americas. The United States of America specifically banned African (and any other form of) slavery over a century ago.