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Two Australian Fire Support Bases (FSB) were Firebase Coral in Military Region III, and Firebase Balmoral also in III Corps. Australian FB Coral is not to be confused with the US Firebase Carrol (or Carol) also known as Camp Carol, up in Military Region I (I Corps).

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Australian warships fired on the gun-line, up and down the Vietnamese coastline in support of allied troops. Australian Centurion tanks of their 1st Armored Regiment, and Infantrymen were generally stationed around the South Vietnamese capital, north of Saigon...Bien Hoa area, especially during the TET offensive of '68.

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13y ago

The Australian army served in III Corps. Their warships shelled from the gunline off the coasts of RVN (Dixie Station). Some Australian airmen may have conducted bombing missions over North Vietnam, as some B57 Canberra (medium bomber) and F4 rated Australian airmen were in country.

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Q: Where did Australia fight in the Vietnam War?
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Australia was an ally of the US and sent troops to fight in both WWII and Vietnam.

What was Australia's reaction to the Vietnam war?

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Who did Australia fight against in the Vietnam war?

NVA and VC, same as with the rest of the allies.

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Australia had nothing to do with the Vietnam War.

What year did Australia fight in the Vietnam war?

3 August 1962 - 2 December 1972 .

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The allies during the Vietnam War were the US, South Viets, South Koreans, Thai's, Philippines, Australia and New Zealanders.

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Soldiers from North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Korea, Australia, and the United States were all effectively trained and prepared for battle in the Vietnam Conflict.

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Of course! Everybody has to fight the Vietnam War because they wanted to stop the Battle and they have to show some guts to fight in the Vietnam War.

Where did they fight the Vietnam war?

Air war-North Vietnam Ground war-South Vietnam

How did the Australia and Vietnam war start?

Australia never fought Vietnam.

Which country helped south vietnam fight a war?

The USA helped a lot, but other countries like South Korea, New Zealand, Australia and Thailand helped, as well.

What was life after the Vietnam war in Australia?

Australian society mirrored American society after the war, on a smaller scale, due to population differences.