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Jean-Paul Marat was murdered in his bathtub on July 13th, 1793.

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Q: When was Jean Marat murdered in his bathtub?
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This radical revolutionary was murdered in his bathtub?

Jean-Paul Marat

Who was killed in his bathtub during the french revolution?

Jean-Paul Marat was killed by Charlotte Corday in his bathtub.

How was Jean-Marat killed?

Jean-Paul Marat was stabbed by Charlotte Corday while in his bathtub

What was the Frenchman Marat cleanly murdered in?

Marat, a prominent figure during the French Revolution, was cleanedly murdered in his bathtub by Charlotte Corday on July 13, 1793. Marat, suffering from a debilitating skin condition, was assassinated by Corday, who sought to eliminate him due to his radical political views and perceived role in inciting violence during the Revolution.

What French revolutionary was stabbed in a bathtub?

Jean-Paul Marat, a French revolutionary and journalist, was stabbed to death in his bathtub by Charlotte Corday on July 13, 1793. Corday was a supporter of the Girondins faction and believed that by killing Marat, she could halt the radical turn of the French Revolution.

Davids painting of Morat?

Jacques-Louis David immortalized the French Revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat in his painting The Death of Marat. Marat was murdered by Charlotte Corday.

What work of art tells story of a man who was murdered in his bath?

The painting "The Death of Marat" by Jacques-Louis David depicts the murdered French revolutionary leader Jean-Paul Marat in his bath. The artwork captures the tragic moment when Marat was assassinated by Charlotte Corday in 1793.

Why did Charlotte Corday murder Jean-Paul Marat?

Charlotte Corday murdered Jean-Paul Marat because he was an extremist in the radical jacobin party, Corday pinned the fault of the reign of terror onto Marat, she murdered him in hopes of making the revolution perfect. in other words, she was protecting her beliefs. Corday was then taken to the guillotine, probably died too.

Why was Jean-Paul Marat murdered?

Well, honey, Jean-Paul Marat was offed by Charlotte Corday in 1793 because she thought he was a royalist sympathizer and a pain in the neck. The French Revolution was a messy time, and Marat was stirring the pot with his radical ideas. Corday took matters into her own hands, literally, and gave Marat a one-way ticket to the afterlife.

Who did Jean-Paul Marat marry?

Jean-Paul Marat married Simone Evrard.

When was Jean-Paul Marat born?

Jean-Paul Marat was born on May 24, 1743.

What is Jean-Paul Marat's birthday?

Jean-Paul Marat was born on May 24, 1743.