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Johannes Gutenberg was a German printer, publisher and black smith. He began using movable type printing in 1439 and starting the Printing Revolution in Europe.

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Q: When was Gutenburg's press invented?
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The printing press was invented by?

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What did gutenburgs printing press do for books and reading?

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How old was Gutenberg when he invented the printing press?

when johann gutenberg invented the printing press he was 52

German who invented the printing press?

Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. Approx. 1436

Who inventing the printing press?

Printing Press was invented by Johann Gutenberg

Who invented the printing press in 1440?

Johannes Gutenberg from Mainz, Germany invented the printing press in 1440.

What famous inventor invented the printing press?

In 1436 Gutenburg invented the printing press in Germany.

When was the rotary press invented?

it was invented when ur mamma was born