Ceasar " Veni, Vedi, Vici " Circa 54BCE. trans. "I Came, I Saw, I Conquered".
Britain was invaded by the Romans.
The Romans attempted to invade Britain many times, however it started off as just political alliances and influences. However, the Britons were seen as barbaric and uncivilized so the Romans invaded and "romanized" Britain. There was a revolt and the rebel armies in Britain successfully overthrew the Romans.
Romans called Britain "Albion", because when they were sailing to Britain they saw the White Cliffs of Dover and they thought that the land behind these cliffs is white too.
Read your history book. The Romans had been in Britain for about 90 years before Boudicca was queen.
Who even knows figure it out youself meanys
Britain was invaded by the Romans.
The Romans ruled Britain for about 350 years.
The Romans first invaded Britain in 55 BC. In 43 AD they officially annexed it. In this nearly 100 year span, Romans were living in and trading with Britain.
No they were not. The Romans left Britain in the late 5th century.
The Romans ruled over Britain from 43 CE - 410 CE.
The Romans brought sugar to Britain. Before the Romans, people in Britain used honey, and other sweet foods as sweeteners.
The Romans arrived in Britain in 55AD.
There was no invation
The Celts.
Numerous groups have invaded Britain over time such as the Romans, French, and Danes.