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Johannes Gutenberg began work on his printing press in 1436. The first official record of its existence is in legal documents from 1439.

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Q: When did Johannes Gutenburg invented the printing press?
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What did Johannes gutenburg have to do with the renaissance?

he invented the printing press.

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Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press

Who invented the printing press in the Renaisssance?

The German Johannes Gutenburg.

What famous inventor invented the printing press?

In 1436 Gutenburg invented the printing press in Germany.

What did Johannes gutenburg invent and how?

printing press

What did Johannes Gutenburge do?

Johannes Gutenburg made the movable printing press

Who developed the first printing press?

Johannes gutenburg

What did gutenburg do?

Johannes Gutenburg created the printing press, making more copies of the Bible.

Where did Johannes gutenburg invent the printing press?

Rhines valley

Who inventing the printing press?

Printing Press was invented by Johann Gutenberg

When did they invent the printing press?

Johannes Gutenburg worked for 30 years to finally get the working printing press. He finally did, and the year was 1455.

When was Gutenburg's press invented?

Johannes Gutenberg was a German printer, publisher and black smith. He began using movable type printing in 1439 and starting the Printing Revolution in Europe.