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Q: When Hester ans pearl sit down to take a rest in the forsest pe wants to hear a story about what?
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What story does pearl ask Hester to tell?

Pearl asks Hester to tell her a story about the Black Man, who is rumored to have taken Hester's hand and led her to make a deal with the devil. Pearl wants to hear more about this mysterious figure and the consequences of dealing with him.

Why does john Wilson question pearl?

John Wilson questions Pearl because he wants to see what Hester has been teaching her.

What does Pearl demand that Hester do with the sunshine in chapter 7 of the scarlet letter?

Pearl demands that Hester throw away the scarlet letter and the sunshine by the brook because she associates the sunlight shining on her mother's bosom with the scarlet letter. Pearl wants to remove any connection between Hester and the symbol of her sin.

Which side if either does chillingworth take in the question of whether pearl should be taken away from Hester in the scarlet letter?

Chillingworth believes that Pearl should be taken away from Hester because he sees her as a constant reminder of Hester's sin and wants to further punish Hester through separating her from her daughter. Chillingworth is more concerned with his own revenge and control over Hester than he is with what is best for Pearl.

Chillingworth secretly provides Hester with money to support Pearl?

Chillingworth secretly supports Hester and Pearl financially out of guilt for his mistreatment of them. He sees helping them as a way to atone for his past actions and maybe gain redemption. Despite his outward animosity towards Hester, he still cares for her and wants to ensure she and Pearl are taken care of.

What reason does Hester give for her to keep pearl?

Hester decides to keep Pearl because she sees her as the tangible result of her sin and wants to accept responsibility for her actions by raising and caring for her daughter. Additionally, Hester feels a deep bond with Pearl and believes that she can help her find redemption and overcome the consequences of her past actions.

What does Pearl insinuate about Chillingworth when she playfully tells Hester that they should run away from the graveyard?

she insinuates that chillingworth is a bad man and doesn't like them or wants to catch them.

In The Scarlet Letter why does John Wilson question pearl?

In The Scarlet Letter, John Wilson questions Pearl to determine her spiritual wellbeing and upbringing. He is concerned about her because she is the daughter of Hester Prynne, a woman who has been publicly shamed for committing adultery, and he wants to ensure that Pearl is being raised in a proper Christian manner.

In The Scarlet Letter why doesn't Hester leave the colony?

Hester chooses to stay in the colony because she believes it is her moral duty to face the consequences of her actions. She also wants to raise her daughter in the same community where she committed her sin, as a way to atone for her transgression and to teach Pearl lessons about forgiveness and redemption. Furthermore, Hester finds purpose and belonging in her community, despite the isolation and judgment she faces.

Why does Hester stay in the puritan settlement?

Hester stays in the puritan settlement because her sense of guilt and duty keeps her there. She believes it is her penance to endure the judgment and scorn of her community as a result of her sin. Additionally, she wants to be close to her daughter Pearl and fulfill her role as a mother.

In The Scarlet Letter What does pearl demand her mother to do with the A?

Pearl demands her mother to wear the scarlet letter A openly on her chest as a way to embrace her identity and stand proudly with her. She also wants Hester to accept and acknowledge her sin rather than hiding it.

In Scarlet Letter why does pearl not recognize her mother when she sees her with Dimmesdale in the forest?

Pearl does not recognize her mother because Hester removes her scarlet letter and lets down her hair, which are typically associated with her identity. Pearl is used to seeing Hester wearing the scarlet letter and concealing her hair, making it challenging for her to recognize her mother without these symbolic attributes.