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In no order:

1. Treaty of Versailles: Germany took all war debt from WWI and lost territory.

2. Beginning of the Holocaust

3. Totalitarianism

4. Japanese territorial expansion

5. Invasion of Poland by Germany

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Q: What were the top 5 reasons that world war 2 started?
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What were reasons why Germany entered world war 2?

they started it

What are the min reasons why world war 1 start?

the min reasons why th war started is because they killed a president and wanted land the min reasons why th war started is because they killed a president and wanted land

Did world war begin in Europe?

World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.

Who was archduke francis ferdinad?

he was the archduke that got killed.....this was one of the biggest reasons world war 1 started

What other reasons why World War 2 started?

The most simple reason of all: Good VS. Evil.

How did they do World War 1 and World War 2?

In world war 1,germany started the war,but in world war 2,japan started it and usa ended the war

When was World War II in 1914?

No world war 1 was started in 1914 . World war two started in 1939

What year did World War I and 2 begin?

world war 1 started July 28th 1914 and world war 2 started 3rd September 1939

How they started the World War 2?

Germany started world war 2 when they invaded poland

When is 1st world war started?

the first world war started in 14 june 1914

Why did the world war start?

There are many reasons why the world war started. Most people would say that it was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the arch duke of Austria. This was only the last thing that happened to set people off and declare war. Lots of things happened before that and kept building up. There are many things that started World War 1.

Was one of the reasons the war started because of economic reasons?

yes its also for land and taxation