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Q: What were the lands of fiefs called during the middle ages?
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What two lands are listed as being captured by the Egypt during the Middle Kingdom?

The two lands captured by Egypt during the Middle Kingdom are: Nubia and Syria.

What did a vassal do in the Middle Ages?

AnswerVassals ruled lands granted to them by their king. Those lands were called fiefs. AnswerVassals swore to obey and support their lords or kings. In exchange for this they were granted fiefs, from which they could derive wealth by taking a part of what the serfs there grew. They were obliged to protect the serfs, and to see that they had land to work and live on.Vassal is a piece of land. The land is based on the conditions of homage and allegiance.

A large section of land granted by a king to a lord is called a?

Fiefs were portions of lands granted to nobles by the king. The king required loyalty, protection, and service for this land.

What were the low lands in middle England called?

The Fens

What did the vikings do during the middle ages?

took over lots of lands.

What two lands were captured by Egypt during the middle ages?

Numbi and Syria

Who are the Rulers of Muslim lands in the middle east and north Africa in the middle ages?

the rulers were called caliphs.

What two lands were captured by Egypt during the Middle Kingdom?

Egyptians captured nubia and syria

What were newly settled lands called During the confederation period?

they were called the northwest territory.

What was the capitol of Egypt during the middle kingdom?

Amenemhet Itj Tawy, or Amenemhet, Seizer of the Two Lands.

How did a lord benefit from giving his lands away as fiefs?

If a lord gave away his land as a fief he was able to lease the land and make money and profit from it.