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the allies and central powers.

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Q: What were the 2 powers of world war 1?
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Was Italy a member of the allies or the central powers?

In World War 1 Allied Powers, and in World War 2 Axis

What 2 sides were there during World War 1?

Allied powers vs Central powers

Who were the Allied powers of world war 1 and world war 2?

mainly U.S.A, England, France and Russia

How many power were there in world war 1?

2; The allied forces and the central powers.

What were the names given to the 2 sides in World War 1?

The Central Powers and the Entente.

Who became world powers after World War 2?

After World War 2, the United States of America and the Soviet Union became the dominant world powers.

What powers were in World War 2?

The Allied Powers, Axis powers, and the Neutral Powers

Was World War I the result of longstanding rivalries between the great powers?

Yes, it was. World War 2 was just an offspring from World War 1; meaning that World War 2 started because of all the unjustice that was done to the Central Powers during the Treay of Versailles and the league of nations.

What are the powers called in World War 2?

Axis Powers / Allied Powers .

Who was the central powers and the allied powers of world war 2?


What were the 2 main sides in world war 2?

The Allied Powers and the Central Powers.

What was the name of the 2 sides in world war 2?

The Allied Powers, and the Axis Powers.