Yes, the Bubonic plague whad hit an epidemic before 1564 and was winding down by 1616.
In Venice they moved all the sick people to an island and allowed them to die. Over 5,000 a day died in Venice at the height of the plague.
The Bubonic plague (aka) The black Death killed millions where WW1 only killed a couple hundred thousand.
World War I and II, and the atomic bomb were the big events of the twentieth century. The two events that may have affected the course of the history of the world were the bubonic plague and European colonization of everywhere outside of Europe.
The end of the Middle Ages neared at the dawn of the Italian Renaissance. Spain was completing the Reconquista and Portugal began exploring the coast of Africa. The Black Death (bubonic plague) spread across medieval Europe between 1346 and 1350.
It was spread by fleas. Apex
To be cured from the Bubonic Plague you can use antibiodics. In the previous bubonic plagues when it was a plague there was no cure.
The Bubonic Plague
It followed trade routes.
It was Spread by Fleas
The Bubonic Plague. However, this wasn't the most devastating to Europeans in the 14th century. The Bubonic Plague spawned a new disease, the Black Death, which was the true killer.
The Pneumonic plague, (internal bubonic plague,) constricted your throat muscles.
the Bubonic Plague occurred in Europe about 400 years ago
The Bubonic Plague. However, this wasn't the most devastating to Europeans in the 14th century. The Bubonic Plague spawned a new disease, the Black Death, which was the true killer.
Bubonic Plague is caused by the bacterium, Yersinia pestis.
the bubonic plague, spread by rats bitten bye infected fleas
Well really there were three- the most common being the bubonic plague.