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They followed the army, became nurses and sewed their uniforms (repaired) and new roles for women emerged.

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Q: What was the status of women in post-independence latin America?
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"Latina" women in Latin America could be of any race, social status and lifestyle. This question is too broad, like asking "What kind of guys do American women like".

Do women have the same rights as men in Latin America?

of course !

How does a woman's status in these societies compare to that of women in America?

fair in complexion

Womens roles in Europe and latin America from 1750-1914?

Women from Latin America worked in craft, textile and agriculture business while in Europe, they worked in factories and mines. The culture of machismo was prevalent in Latin America but in Europe women's suffrage movement was taking place.

What has the author Josephine M Urani written?

Josephine M. Urani has written: 'The legal status of women in the United States of America' -- subject- s -: Women, Legal status, laws, Women's rights

Who was the first women to become a defence minister in Latin America?

michelle bachelette

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WTF!? hmmm. maybe BRAZIL or LATIN AMERICA!? (latin america? idk my countries) But rlly. like what kind of question is that!

Why do Mexican women wear reaviling dresses?

It's their culture. In Latin America men are supposed to be masculine and women feminine.

How are families organized in latin America?

It is just like in America except that women don't have the same equal rights as men do.

What has the author Kathryn A Sloan written?

Kathryn A. Sloan has written: 'Women's roles in Latin America and the Caribbean' -- subject(s): Women

What has the author Nikki Craske written?

Nikki Craske has written: 'Women and politics in Latin America' -- subject(s): Women in politics, Politics and government

What does latina mean in English?

"Latina" in English refers to a woman from Latin America or of Latin American descent. It is used to describe women who have cultural ties to countries in Latin America, such as those who speak Spanish or Portuguese and have heritage from countries in Central and South America.