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Q: What was the purpose of the zimmermann telegram?
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What is zimmerman during World War 1?

Zimmermann was a person and the Foreign Minister in Germany's government. He was the one to send the telegram that bears his name to Mexico to get them to invade America so the US would stay out of the war in Europe.

What is the history of evening telegram?

The first issue of "The Evening Telegram" was published on April 3, 1897 by William James Herder. Today "The Telegram" is owned by Transcontinal Media.

Why was Zimmermann telegram important in world war 1?

The Zimmerman Telegram was the catalyst that brought the United States into World War I. The Allied nations intercepted a German telegram to Mexico in which Germany promised to support Mexico in a bid to recapture territory it lost to the United States in the previous century (namely, California, Arizona and New Mexico) the Mexicans would go to war with the United States to distract it from joining the War in Europe. Whereas the German policy of unrestricted submarine warfare bothered President Woodrow Wilson more than any foolhardy proposition of Mexico, public fury against the Germans gave Wilson what he needed to finally join the side of the Allies and thus bring the United States into one of the most devastating wars in history.

What two countries did the Zimmerman Telegram propose an alliance between?

Germany and Mexico

What was the importance of the Zimmerman plot in World War 1?

The Zimmerman telegram was sent to Mexico, but intercepted by Great Britain who then decoded it and told the US about it. The Zimmerman telegram basically said "if you join us and help defeat the US, then we will help you get your land back that you lost in the Mexican War" The Zimmerman telegram was the finial act that made the US join the Allied Powers on WW1 I hope this helps!

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What was the telegram that the Germans sent to Mexico during ww1 called?

They refused the proposal, but by that time, the US had already declared war against Germany.

What are sources of the zimmermann telegram?

From what i know the zimmermann telegram was found by a radio operator in England

Who wrote the zimmermann telegram?

arthur zimmermann

What was the name of famous telegram from world war 1?

The Zimmermann telegram.

What was the letter that was intercepted asking Mexico to attack America?

The Zimmerman Telegram. The authenticity of it is questioned by many historians.

Why was America mad at the end of ww1?

The Zimmermann Telegram

Which country was the Zimmermann note sent to?

The Zimmermann Telegram was sent to Mexico . ~ see related link below .

What year was the zimmermann telegram sent?

Germany Send the Zimmerman Telegram to send and information to the Mexicans.

What country was encouraged to attack the united states in the Zimmermann telegram?


What document was sent to Mexico telling them to declare war on Germany?

Zimmermann Telegram

What was the name of the note asking Mexico to ally with Germany?

The Zimmermann telegram - sent by the germans, but intercepted by the english, who delivered the information to the US. There are some who think that there was no such thing as the Zimmermann Telegram, and that it was only a ploy to incite the US to go to war.

How did many Americans react to the publication to the zimmermann telegram?

They were outraged over a possible German-Mexican alliance.The Zimmermann Telegram provoked widespread outrage in the United States. For many, it was the final straw in a string of incidents blamed on Germany.