The policy of appeasement was used by the French and British to appease Hitler in the hopes that Hitler would leave their nations alone. The "appeasement camp" thought that if Hitler was given what he wanted he would be satisfied. They did not understand Hitler and his agendas. They Brits and French were made to look like fools when they found out Hitler had already taken the the Sudetenland at the time of the Munich Conference and signing of the pact that allowed Hitler to have the Sudetenland within Czechoslovakia. The policy appeasement is as foolish as giving your lunch to the school bully when he will only come back the next day.
appeasement encouraged aggression
the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain is associated with appeasement
why did France and britiain choose the policy of appeasement
the act of appeasing
Neville Chamberlain
1 year if you buy the return policy
I would like to surrender my polocy and collect the policy dividends
Appeasement simply didn't work . . . in fact, appeasement made the situation worse.
AppeasementThe policy of appeasement.
Appeasement is the policy of giving in to the demands of an aggressor to keep the peace.
Appeasement never works. See answer to this question.What_is_wrong_with_the_policy_of_appeasement
Appeasement is an ineffective way to handle a screaming child.
The Difference between Appeasement and Accommodation?
The Difference between Appeasement and Accomadation?
Appeasement, straight up appeasement.
Liberty Tree: place to protest British Polocy.