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Q: What was the impact of the printing press on Europe?
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What was the impact of Gutenberg printing press on western Europe?

The spread of Martin Luther's Ideas :D

The least likely impact of Gutenberg's adaptation of the printing press in 1439 was?

the suppression of literacy in Europe

Why did the invention of printing not have significant impact on Chinese society like the printing press invented Europe did?

There are so many characters in the Chinese language that it was difficult to move them.

How did the printing press impact?

The printing press had a very important impact on society because it spread the ideas of Humanism widely throughout society.

Which was most influential in the spread of Protestantism in Europe?

Answer this question… The invention of the printing press

How did the printing press impact humanism?

The printing press helped spread humanist ideas by making texts more widely available and affordable. This led to an increase in literacy rates and the dissemination of humanist philosophy across Europe during the Renaissance.

What invention in the 1440s helped spread the idea of renaissance throughout Europe?

The printing press.

Did direct impact that the printing press had on 16th-century Europe was that it encouraged the?

The printing press gave common people access to books so they learned to read. In the 16th Century only rich people and clerics knew how to read.

Which of the following statements describes an impact of Gutenberg's invention of the printing press?

books became less expensive and more available throughout Europe.

What was the major impact on the printing press?

civil war

Industrial Revolution in Europe by communication?

the printing press.

What spread Renaissance ideas in Europe?

Printing press.