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Isolationism arose after World War 1 because hundreds of thousands of American men were killed needlessly in a war that really had nothing to do with the United States. Many Americans wanted to stay out of all wars that did not involve the USA to avoid needless death and expense.

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Q: What was the goal of us isolation after ww1?
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What was the goal of us isolationist after ww1?

To stay out of European affairs.

What was the goal of us isolation ww1?

Isolationism arose after World War 1 because hundreds of thousands of American men were killed needlessly in a war that really had nothing to do with the United States. Many Americans wanted to stay out of all wars that did not involve the USA to avoid needless death and expense.

What was major foreign policy goal of the US during the first half of the 1800s?

THE major foreign policy goal was securing the Mississippi River drainage basin and it's entry point, New Orleans.

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it was a peace treaty that ended ww1

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Yes in WW1 and WW2 the French were allied with the US.

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He had a goal that his navy could be as great as the British royal navy.:)

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When did Us join ww1?

the united states joined in 1917, ww1 started in 1914.!!

In the 1800s the US had a foreign policy of .?
