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Q: What was the first country to explore the new world around 1500?
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Did Ferdinand Magellan explore for his own country?

yes he asked the king and queen if he could travel around the world

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If you mean Adam Johann von Krusenstern, he was a Russian naval officer who commanded the first Russian expedition to explore the Pacific Ocean and sail around the entire world.

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John Cabot was the first person to explore the new world for England.

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What did Magellan explore?

He lead the first expedition around the world and also discovered the Strait of Magellan and named the Pacific Ocean

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No, Hernando de Soto was a conquistador who was the first to explore the Mississippi River region.

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What impact on the world did Henry the navigator have?

Because of him, Portugal became the first country to explore. If he didn't start the "school of navigation" there would be no exploration. So he is the most important.

What country did Francisco coronado explore?

He Explored the new world (Mexico)

Where did Magellan first explore?

The first periplus around the world (for east and west) and captaining the first circumnavigation, across the Atlantic Ocean to the Strait of Magellan and across the Pacific Ocean.