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war production during the war helped industry and pulled nations out of the Great Depression.

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Q: What was post world war 2 prosperity based on?
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Most enjoyed the prosperity of the postwar period?

White males gained the most benefit from post World War II prosperity.

What eras is tied to the prosperity of the 1950's and 1960's?

The post-war era.

What did not happen as a result of World War 1?

Economic prosperity

What is known as post war world?

Post war is after World War II; 1945. Post cold war is after the cold war; 1990 (even though the papers were signed in 1991).

The Brooklyn Bridge was a technological marvel when it was built in 1883 What did it come to symbolize?

It's The Post-war growth and prosperity.

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Outline of the Post-War New World Map was created in 1942.

When is post World War 2?

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Call of duty: World at World is based on The end of World War II, and the Pacific War on The Island of Okinawa.

What were Mellon's strategies for maintain post war American prosperity?

When Mellon took office, he had three major goals--to balance the budget, to reduce the government's debt, and to cut taxes. He was convinced that these policies would ensure prosperity.

What is post-war?

ummm isn't post war somthing the end of the warIn common parlance, Post-War, particularly if it is capitalized, refers to the period following World War II.

Did soldiers get paid in World War I and how much?

Service members in World War 1 were paid at standard fees based on their rank and their time in service. Perhaps someone has a payscale from 90 years ago they can post.