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One might argue that World War I had its beginning with the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815), which attempted to restore the "old order" of authoritarian politics in Europe, a series of alliances in the aftermath of the French Revolution (and indirectly, the American Revolution), the Napoleonic Wars, and dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire (1806). The Congress was responsible for restoring the balance of power in Europe, redrawing Europe's political map, and establishing political spheres of influence.

Relative peace reigned in Europe for the next 100 years, but during this time, states began to play one against the other in order to strengthen their influence. To do this, they formed secret alliances assuring one another of mutual defense in the event of hostilities. Added to this, European states began to compete with one another for overseas territories, principally in Africa and the Middle East---justified by the demand for Natural Resources during the period of the Industrial Revolution.

After World War I political maps were again redrawn: The Ottoman Empire disappeared, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was reduced to several (mostly) ethnic states and with the formulation of the Soviet Union, the Russian Empire lost much of its western frontier. Yet this, combined with punishing war reparations foisted upon the German people, did little to calm long-term cultural disputes. The Treaty of Versailles produced an angry, resentful German population.

After the war, Germany borrowed heavily from the United States to pay off its war debts; few regarded this as a problem because at this point in time, German industries became an excellent investment opportunity. Between 1919 and 1929, Germany was ripe for stock speculation, which artificially drove up the value of industrial stocks and bonds. Thus, the Stock Market Crash of 1929 in America moved rapidly around the world; the value of industrial stocks plummeted and Germany was faced with serious economic problems because it could not repay the money it borrowed from other nations or private investors. These events, combined with the incompetence of foreign ministries, led the world down the path toward World War II.

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