The Europeans. =D
The Renaissance began in Italy in the 14h Century AD.
Exploration of the Newfoundland began under the rule of Francis I in 1542. He sent Giovanni da Verrazano to explore, and Verrazano gave names to land between New Spain and English Newfoundland.
Most countries moved from absolute monarchies to constitutional monarchies --> NovaNET They began to change when the church came to power and the crusades began. At that point, western Rome was back in the loop. Also, knights were becoming unnecessary due to the invention of the English longbow.
The Puritans are the ones that began the settlement in the area that would become Boston. They purchased the land from an English settler named William Blaxton.
war of the roses
The Europeans. =D
Gshshavahajjdbsjj hjbhkbkggkhvus dvurvhwtf thanks yvabywva daex a d
By building a ship called the caravel, which was a small, sturdy ship, made to be fast, and easy to manage.
There was no medieval education for people other than nobility. People didn't know how to read or write. Priests taught nobility and a university system began in Italy.
Portugal began to establish trading posts in Africa in the early 1400s.
England began colonizing in the late 1400s and early 1500s If this is not correct then my collage teacher is wrong...