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Q: What two things the that the kaiser wanted for Germany?
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What two big four countries wanted to PUNISH Germany?

Great Britain, France, Russia, the USA entered in 1941

Who or what is kaiser?

The Kaiser was the Emperor of Germany. During WWI he was Wilhelm II, who inherited his job when the first Kaiser, his father, died in the late 1880s. These were the only two Kaisers of Imperial Germany, because Germany was not united into the single nation of Germany until 1871. They were of the House of Hohenzollern, who before German unification were the Kings of Prussia. "Kaiser", like "Tsar" or "Czar" (who was the Emperor of Russia) are titles derived from the ancient Ceasar of Imperial Rome two thousand years ago. Wilhelm II was an unpleasant, vain, pompous man whose wild and reckless enthusiasms helped destabilize Europe in the decades before WWI. He lived on in exile in the Netherlands until 1940, long enough to see the Nazis come to power in Germany. They would have welcomed him back home for the legitimacy he would have given the Nazi regime in the eyes of many Germans, but Wilhelm despised the Nazis. Imagine, a corporal running his country! There are still Hohenzollern descendants rattling around Europe, waiting for the world to come to its senses and restore them to their rightful place lording it over everybody else.

What is the two power standard?

the two power standard was the apart of the arms race in WWI. Germany and France wanted a navy like Britain but to prevent this from happening for every ship that they built, Britain also built a ship. so the ratio was 2:1

Which country split in twwo at the end of world was two?

Germany. It split into East and West Germany.

Why do historians call between 1919 and 1939 the 20 year truce?

It was the reaction of Marshal Ferdinand Foch when he saw the terms that Germany was forced to accept in the treaty of Versailles. "This isn't a peace, it's a twenty year truce!" This came about because the three victorious powers that were forcing Germany to sign the treaty, Britain France and America, wanted very different things. The American president Woodrow Wilson wanted to create the League of Nations, rather like a beta version of the United Nations, thus he wanted to forgive Germany so that it could take its place in the League, and peaceful governing of the world could continue. The French wanted to weaken Germany so much that they could never be a threat. You must remember that the Western Front had largely run through France, it was a miracle that she survived. 1,382,400 Frenchmen were killed and 3,594,889 were wounded terribly. 12.5% of the population of France, mostly between the ages of 20 and 35, and all of the men, would never work again and instead of adding to the economy, would drain it. The French wanted Germany to pay a ridicules amount of money to make up for the war, they wanted to make the Rhineland (the area that borders France) and make it into a separate state, and a buffer zone, and they wanted Germany to admit that the whole war was their fault. The British wanted to see Germany punished for the war, but they didn't want them to be crippled forever. They wanted Germany to recover so that they could become a useful trading partner again. In the end, Britain persuaded the other two powers to compromise. The treaty wasn't as harsh as the French wanted, and not as lenient as the Americans wanted. And therein lies the irony, if the Americans had had their way there wouldn't have been so much German resentment, and if the French had had their way Germany would probably have been to weak to go to war in '39. You could argue that Britain, in trying to find a compromise to fit all helped the war along. On the other hand, France and America were at each other's throats over the terms of the treaty, and if Britain hadn't helped them to reach a middle ground, things could have gone a lot worse. Anyway, despite good intentions, three different opinions all trying to work with each other meant that sensible policies had to be abandoned and foolish ones put in just to appease the others. People quote Foch in calling 1919-1939 a twenty year truce because, in retrospect, the treaty seemed bound to break down.

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Who ruled Germany after Kaiser Wilhelm II?

There was no monarchy after Kaiser Wilhelm left Germany in 1918. Two people who controlled Germany after him were Paul von Hindenburg and Adolf Hitler.

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Why did Germany have to be careful not to upset Austria?

At the time monarchies controlled the two countries. Kaiser Wilhelm, Monarch of Austria, was the absolute monarch of the two countries through marriage. His political and economical power controlled Germany through influence. It was imperative that Germany create a climate that would cause the Kaiser to feel his power or interests were in danger.

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Which two countries wanted to punish Germany in ww1?

Britain, and mainly France

What year was Germany two separate countries 1914 or 1948?

Germany was split into four occupation zones in 1945; in 1948, three of the zones were united into West Germany and the remaining zone became East Germany. So 1948 is your answer. In 1914, Germany was a single country ruled by a Kaiser ("Emperor").

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He had two very notable first cousins. Tsar (Russian for Emperor) Nicholas II of Russia Kaiser (German for Emperor) Wilhelm of Germany.

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What was two things Hitler accomplished?

Killing millions of people and destroying Germany.

What two cousins ruled major countries on opposite sides during World War 1?

Kaiser Wilhelm Of Germany and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia. They were both nephews of Queen Victoria.