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I think its eon

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Q: What phrase comes after millennium?
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What does speaks millennium of mean?

what does it mean to say it speaks millennium's of him. or how to you compliment someone that has done something very very exceptional with the phrase It speaks ----- of him. (his character)

What comes once in a second twice in a millennium but never in a day?

The letter 'n'

What language does the phrase 'Bonne année' come from?

The phrase comes from FRENCH.

What comes after eon?

pretty simple....the answer is pie. year, decade, century, millennium, eon, pie

What does Baptist believe premillennium mean?

There are three interpretations of when the millennium will occur in regard to Jesus' second coming. Pre- millennium-> Jesus comes back and redeems his called ones and then a time of tribulation happens. Post - millennium-> Everyone alive has to live through the time of tribulation then Jesus comes back. A-millennium-> The thousand year time of tribulation is an allegory and not necessarily actually going to happen. My guess from my experience is that devoted baptists accept the pre-millenium view.

Where did phrase Early bird special come from?

The phrase early bird comes from the phrase the early bird gets the worm. That phrase comes from the English proverbs of 1670 meaning that the one to show up first has the best chance of success.

What are the names of the seven millennium items in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Millenium puzzle millennium key millennium rod millennium necklace millennium eye millennium scales millennium ring

What are the 7 millennium items?

millennium puzzle/pendant yugi the millennium eye pegasus the millennium ring bakura the millennium scale shadi the millennium key shadi the millennium touqe/necklace ishisu the millennium rod marik

A period of 1000 years is called what?

A millennium

What is the antonym for the word millennium?

Non-millennium is an antonym for millennium.

What comes after a comlete subject?

the verb or verb phrase.

What millennium is this?

2nd millennium