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macedonia, yucoslavia,

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Q: What nations existed after World War 1 which has not been existed before?
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What is the league nation?

You probably mean the League of Nations. It was formed after World War I (1914-18) to prevent wars from occurring. It is seen as the forerunner of today's United Nations. The League of Nations was based in Geneva, Switzerland, which had been neutral. A key component was the open discussion and negotiation between nations -- in sharp contrast to the secret alliances that existed before World War I.

How long has Zambia been in the world for?

Zambia has been in the world as "Zambia" since October 1964. The country existed before that as Northern Rhodesia.

Is America a nation state?

You probably mean the League of Nations. It was formed after World War I (1914-18) to prevent wars from occurring. It is seen as the forerunner of today's United Nations. The League of Nations was based in Geneva, Switzerland, which had been neutral. A key component was the open discussion and negotiation between nations -- in sharp contrast to the secret alliances that existed before World War I.

What did the League of Nations do about drugs and slavery?

You see, the League of Nations has been proposing various solutions to many of the world crises before the second world war. Yet the League did not prove very effective, since it had no real power to enforce its propositions.

The United Nations was organized after which war?

After the Second World War. It replaced the "League of Nations" which had been formed after the First World War.

Have there been homosexuals since before sodom and gomorrah?

Sodom and Gomorrah is the first mention of homosexuality in the Bible, but it is likely that it existed before then.

What effects did world war have on empires that had been created by European nations?

Many nations granted freedom to their colonies.

Was Cleopatra the first person to get a toy?

No, toys had been around for hundreds of years before Cleopatra existed.

What effect did world war ii have on empires that had been created by Europeans nations?

Many nations granted freedom to their colonies.

An organization for solving world problems peacefully?

Which organization was created at the end of World War 1 to help countries peacefully resolve their problems?

How many years has Voodoo existed?

No one can really tell exactly how many years that Voodoo has been existed, but,It is the world's oldest ancestral, nature-honoring traditions.

What would the world be like had Cleopatra never existed?

it would have been the same world just without her we would not have a Queen of Egypt.