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Q: What is the worse thing happening in the world?
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The worse thing to happen to Dr Seuss was that he died

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The Holocaust can never happen again. The establishment of the state of Israel has ensured that. However genocides, some arguably worse, continue to this day.

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One thing that was happening in the world at the time "The Wealth of Nations" was written was the Industrial Revolution in the United States.

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You may want to check the "Runecrafting" section of the forums for detail on that kind of thing.

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it is happening all over the world

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God Forbid a Worse Thing Should Happen was created in 2002.

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it is so you know what is happening in the world it is so you know what is happening in the world

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What is the founder and holy book called for Hinduism?

Hinduism is a naturally happening thing in the world. It does not have any founder. Also, there is no particular holy book for it.

Is the word party a place or a thing?

A party is a thing. Where the party is happening would be the place.

What is the worse thing to eat?

grape medicine