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Q: What is the world death toll per day from starvation?
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What was the death toll in Ww1?

The Death Toll Was Around 20,000 Each Day And At The End Of World War 1 Around 6,000,000,000 Death's

D-day death toll?

Almost half a million people

What is the world death toll per day?

The global death toll varies daily but an estimate is around 150,000 deaths per day. This number can fluctuate based on numerous factors such as disease outbreaks, natural disasters, and other circumstances.

Where did starving time take place?

The Starving Time occurred at the English colony of Jamestown in present-day Virginia, in North America. It was a period from 1609 to 1610 when the colonists faced severe food shortages, leading to starvation, disease, and a high death toll.

What was the death toll of D-Day?

moer than one but less than 50,000

What was the death toll in Rwanda genocide?

It is not known for sure. Estimates range from 800,000 to 1,000,000 people.

How much people in Black Death pandemic death toll worldwide?

3/4 of Europe died. The disease came into Italy on ships from Asia and never left Europe. The rats onboard the ships in the 1300's were the cause. Since exploration hadn't begun yet to the New World the disease was not carried beyond Europe. The death toll was enormous. 5,000 died a day on a island in Venice Italy and Soctland sealed the sick into an enclosed street .

How many people die a day from starvation in Brazil?

almost 16000 children and adults die a day in Brazil from Starvation. Isn't that sad....

How many people die each day from suicide?

In 2010 there was an average of 105 people who dies from suicide every single day. The death toll from suicide continues to rise each and every year.

Were do you go when you die?

I think that one goes to the world of death after death until the day of ressurection.

Which day is the any person without death in world?

There is no such day, sadly people die every day.

What is death rate in the world?

101.23 people die in a day