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The name comes from the Arawak language and means 'land of mountains'

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Q: What is the word origin of Haiti?
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Is canoe a spanish origin?

There is a Spanish word Canoa. This came from the Spanish exploration of Haiti in the 1550's. The Arawak Indians used the word Canaoua

What is the definition and the origin of the word maize?

From Cuban Spanish as 'maiz'. Borrowed from Haiti Arawakan 'mahiz' - known since 1555.

How many syllable are in the word Haiti?

The word Haiti has two syllables.

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It is from Haiti if you smart your cool EAT NOODLES Tittles:::::::::(:::::)

Does the word haiti mean hell?

No, the word "Haiti" does not mean "hell." "Haiti" is the name of a country in the Caribbean, situated on the island of Hispaniola.

What is the spanish word for Haiti?

There is no Spanish word for Haiti, it's Haiti. There is only the the Native Indian word Ayiti which means: land of high mountains. This is also how it is spelled in creole.

How many syllables in the word Haiti?

There are two syllables in Haiti. The ai is a diphthong.

What is the origin of the word ballot?

the origin is where the word came from but the specific origin of the word ballot is latin root word.

Is fils-aime a common name in haiti?

Yes, "Fils-Aimé" is a common surname in Haiti. It is of French origin and may be found among families with Haitian heritage.

What is the origin of the word origin?

The word "origin" is derived from the French word "origin" and the Latin word "originem," both of which mean, beginning, descent, birth, and rise.

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