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anyone in medieval society below the middle class. working class citizens, serfs and the homeless.


A medieval peasant was essentially a farmer who lived by subsisting on a plot of land. This land was not owned by the peasant, it was owned by a landlord who allowed the peasant to work the land in exchange for a tallage (a sort of tax) which would usually be a portion of his harvest.

In social and economic terms, peasants were among both the poorest and most common people in medieval Europe, probably constituting upwards of 90% of the population.

In short, life as a medieval peasant was hard and their life expectancy reflected that. The life expectancy of a peasant was approximately 30 years.

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12y ago

A peasant was a farmer, by definition. There were several classes of peasants, including serfs, who were not entirely free and were bound to the manors where they lived; tenant farmers who were called freemen; and yeomen, who had their own holdings.

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13y ago

The peasant (from the eyes of those above) had a specific place in society (as did everyone). The Peasant existed very close to the bottom of this Great Chain of Being. Therefore, they had to respect those above them. Including God, the Church's heirarchy and rulers, both on a local and national level.

Moreover, they were the labourer's of the Middle Ages. They sowed the land and tended the crops which would feed the local ruler and the Church. Peasants essentially acted as farmers but the difference between a peasant and a yeoman (freeman) was that a peasant is tied to the land on which they farm, whether that be to the Church or a local ruler (depending on who owns the land).

Although from a modern perspective it would seem unfair at the time everyone accepted their place in the Great Chain of Being as everyone was supposed to care for and respect those below them on the Chain it can be seen that they had it easier due to less responsibility.

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The peasants who were bound to the land were serfs.

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Q: What was another name for peasants in the middle ages?
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What is another name for medievil?

MediEvil is a video game featuring an undead knight. This category is for the Middle Ages, which is also known as "medieval".

By what other name is the medieval period also known?

The simple answer is that the medieval period is also called the Middle Ages. There is some complexity, however. The period from the 5th through 10th centuries was called the Dark Ages, but the term Early Middle Ages is more common now. What used to be called the Middle Ages, a time from the 11th to 15th centuries, is now often counted as the High Middle Ages (1000 to 1300) and Late Middle Ages (1300 to some time in the 15th century).

What was the name of simulation in the middle ages?


What was another name for middle ages?

Medieval PeriodDark Age?Medieval times or the medieval era.

What was the name of the upper class during the middle ages?

the middle class was the freetowners, it goes POPE KING NOBLES KNIGHTS FREETOWNERS PEASANTS SERFS The Middle Class rose during the Middle Ages in Europe for a variety of reasons. First of these reasons is that the workers became richer in the aftermath of the Black Death. Secondly, education in Europe was greatly improved with the invention of the Printing Press. Thirdly, the formation of banking greatly improved the economy in favour of the Middle Class. Lastly, the formation of medieval republics benefited the Middle Class. The Middle class consisted of Freetowners, people below the knights and nobles but above peasants and serfs...

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