What was the effect of European exploration on global interactions in the fifteenth century
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idk i guess trade helped them with there social problems then they all whent to the mall to buy eachother friendship toes.
Prince Henry helped lead Portugal in overseas exploration.
wow you got that from the book
The compas, the printing press, and the map. -Christina
european exploration caused much exploration of the united states and helped give us more knowledge of the world . european exploration has caused the us to be what is is today without them exploring to the west of europe the us would not be what it is today
Helped start European exploration and trade
Helped start European exploration and trade
Spain and Portugal
European Coal and Steel Community
It helped to promote oversea exploration and a better understanding of the Asian cultures.
European Coal and Steel Community
Helped start European exploration and trade
The culture of the Islamic world had a significant influence on European exploration, particularly in the fields of mathematics, astronomy, navigation, and geography. The knowledge and technologies acquired from the Islamic world helped European explorers in their voyages of discovery.