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The Black Plague hit Europe and when it ended it is estimated that half the population perished.

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Q: What happened to the population of Europe just as the Renaissance began?
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When did renaissance art begin?

Renaissance art began during the Renaissance period. The Renaissance art period began in 1150 and lasted until about 1600.

What has happened in the last 600 years?

The Italian Renaissance began about 600 years ago in 1400 which coincided with the beginning of the age of exploration. The Renaissance would be the start of what we call modern science and art (think Da vinci etc), while the age of exploration would be the first stirrings of globalisation as europe began contacting and sometimes colonising other non-western civilisations. The early modern period would end in around 1750 when the french revolution happened and the industrial revolution really picked up to make europe the powerhouse of the world and its empires covering most of it. Then the empires began to collapse with world war 1 and world war 2 and we had decolonisation and the birth of the united nations

What was happening in Europe in 1500s?

The end of the Middle Ages neared at the dawn of the Italian Renaissance. Spain was completing the Reconquista and Portugal began exploring the coast of Africa. The Black Death (bubonic plague) spread across medieval Europe between 1346 and 1350.

What was the importance of trade and travel during the Renaissance period?

the importance was that it helped increased wealth in Europe at the time. it also began the age of exploration. it introduced Europe to new ship routes and made communication easier between countries/cities in Europe and between the whole continent of Europe itself and other continents, such as Asia.

Difference between northern and Italian renaissance?

Northern Renaissance: nation-states Italy: city-states Northern: strongly influenced by church Italy: less influenced by church Northern: began after Italy Italy: began before Northern Northern: focused on bible, church Italy: focused on classics (Greek/Roman)

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What happened after Europe's population began to increase during the middle age?

the population began to grow because feudalism increased

What continent did the Renaissance begin on?

It began in Europe

What happened after the dark ages?

The dark ages, otherwise known as the middle ages, was followed by the Renaissance era. During the renaissance, Europe began to re-adopt old Greek and Roman philosophies, art, and science.

Did the Renaissance happen in Asia?

No. Asia is a different country and society. The Renaissance was in Europe and began in Italy.

What part of Europe did the European renaissance begin?

The European Renaissance began in Western Europe, more specifically, in the city-state of Florence, Italy.

True or false the renaissance began in Europe and then spread to Italy?


What was the renaissance and why was it important?

The Renaissance was a period of rebirth in Europe. It began shortly after the Black Plague had ravaged the area, killing almost half the population. It was important because it was a turning point in the way people thought and in cultural differences.

In what country did the renaissance begain?

It began in Italy and slowly spread to the rest of Europe.

How did the Renaissance started?

The Renaissance started when Europe began to change after the crusades. Trade increased greatly in towns began to grow. The change was the background for the Renaissance, which began in Italy, in about 1350. Renaissance is the French word meaning "rebirth."

What is the name of the period of rebirth in Europe that began in the 1300s and peaked around 1500?

The Renaissance.

When did the Renaissance come to England?

The Renaissance (the era of enlightment) is said to have began in Italy in 1400, then making it's way to Europe in 1480.

Where was the Renaissance started?

The Renaissance began in Florence, Italy in the 14th century and later spread to the rest of Europe lasting into the 17th century.