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First of all there was the Renaissance which sparked learning, culture, ideas, and fascination. There was new technology available which was recently discovered for them. After the Crusades they discovered of mainly spices and other luxury resources but they were unable to get them do to them being Christians and the people in between them were Muslims. They wanted to sail to Asia for these spices and to colonize, spread Christianity, and open trade routes. There was also an increase in power and money for nations, particular Spain and Portugal who started the building of the needed ships and recently ended the Reconquista or recapturing of the Iberian Peninsula. If Spanish and Portuguese navigators along with Prince Henry of Portugal did not create the ships and technology needed to sail across oceans then they would not be able too.

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Forrest Brakus

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First of all there was the Renaissance which sparked learning, culture, ideas, and fascination. There was new technology available which was recently discovered for them. After the Crusades they discovered of mainly spices and other luxury resources but they were unable to get them do to them being Christians and the people in between them were Muslims. They wanted to sail to Asia for these spices and to colonize, spread Christianity, and open trade routes. There was also an increase in power and money for nations, particular Spain and Portugal who started the building of the needed ships and recently ended the Reconquista or recapturing of the Iberian Peninsula. If Spanish and Portuguese navigators along with Prince Henry of Portugal did not create the ships and technology needed to sail across oceans then they would not be able too.

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Q: What forces came together in the mid-1400s that made the European age of exploration possible?
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