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the treaty of Versailles

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Q: What ended World War 1 and lead to the start of world one two?
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What lead to the start of communism in Russia?

World War I

What lead to the start of the second world?

Adolf Hitler attacking Poland.

What would happen if World War 1 ended and didn't lead to World War 2?

It would have saved millions of innocent lives who died fighting in World War II.

How did murder lead to World War 1?

The assassination (political murder) of Archduke Franz Ferdinand lead to the start of WW I.

What affected America in 1945?

World war two ended in 1945 which lead to many different change in America's culture.

What conflict began with the assassination of archduke frerdinand?

This assassination lead to the start of the first world war.

How did Ulysses Grant change the world?

Yes because he ended the war so then we don't have to worry about the war and we can have a peaceful world

Why was World War 2 considered to be one of the most pivotal turning points?

because after ww2 ended it lead to the cold war

What Hitler had done?

lead all the many people to kill all the Jewish people in the world and conquer all of the world. He killed most of the Jews in the world until America got involved and ended that war ( world war 2) --------------- conquered most of the world. Not USA or some of Great Britain.

What ended the Austria-Hungarian Empire?

What ended the Austrian/Hungarian Emprie was their Massive defeat by Russia in World War One. With the defeat it lead to a crippling econimic status, and a lack of basic millitary standards ended up utimatily leading to the fall of the Empire. Then in World War Twoboth Austria and Hungary was taken over by Nazi Germany.

Where does world 3 cannon lead to?

world 6

What world events happened in 1938 that affected people worldwide?

In March 1938, Germany annexed Austria and while this did not start World War 2 immediately, it showed what Germany was about to do and lead up to the start of the War in September 1939.