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It set wages and negotiated with labor unions.

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Q: What did the national War Labor Board do in World War 1?
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Related questions

When did National War Labor Board end?

National War Labor Board ended in 1946.

When was National War Labor Board created?

National War Labor Board was created in 1918.

What board was created to settle labor disputes during the war?

National War Labor Board

What was the purpose of the National Labor board?

The purpose of the National War Labor Board was to mediate disputes between workers and management.

What did the National War Labor Board do?

Your mom :x

When did the national war labor board established?

The National War Labor Board (NWLB) was created in April 1918 by president Woodrow Wilson.

What group settled disputes over working hours and wages during world war 1 World War 1?

National war labor board (NWLB)

National war labor relations board?

ensuring agreements between defense industries and organized labor.

What was activity of the national war labor Board?

ensuring agreements between defense industries and organized labor.

What did the government establish to prevent strikes from disrupting the war effort?

National War Labor Board

To prevent strikes from disrupting the war effort the government established what?

National War Labor Board

Why did the National War Labor Union make good benefits for workers a priority?

There was no such union. Did you mean War Labor BOARD, a US federal agency?