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Q: What did the NEP do?
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What was known as the 'peasant Brest-Litovsk'?

Lenin's New Economic Policy was known as the "peasant Brest-Litovsk." Russians felt that the Treaty was a humiliating concession to the Central Powers to get out of World War I. The more radical Marxists called the NEP the "peasant Brest-Litovsk" because they felt it was a humiliating concession to capitalism to rebuild the economy.

True or false the leaders of the communist revolution allowed some elements of capitalism into the Russian economy between 1921 and 1928?


What was the effect of the Kronstadt Rebellion?

There's no simple answer to this. There is an assumption that as some of the Sailors demands were met by the institution of the New Economic Policy shortly afterwards, that the NEP was in response to the Rebellion itself - this is not the case. NEP had been mooted prior to the Rebellion and not in response to it. It may have cemented the need for economic changes, but it was certainly not the cause of them. The actual effects are reasonably small - the exodus of sailors to Finland caused an humanitarian crisis in that country, as they were not able to cope. A purge of the garrison and the town began immediately afterwards and the towns population was largely removed to other areas. Those sailors captured were tried, many were executed, although some were sent to labour camps and amnestied some time later. However, it did prompt a massive Cheka investigation. Kronstadt is an early example of the suppression of political adversaries in Soviet Russia, and an early example of what was to come. It has entered into mythology for various groups including anarchists who saw it as the final betrayal of the Revolution - Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman, who were in St Petersburg at the time of the Rebellion, indicate that it was cause of their decision to leave Russia.

What was One big problem for marxists following the installation of communist regimes was?

depends on which country. in Russia it was probably the NEP and starting the collective farming process as well as rapid industrialisation. in Cuba it was getting out the corruption and foreign influence on the island. in North Korea it was rebuilding the entire country from bombed out earth. no two are alike in that they all started based on material conditions present in their country at the time. Russian socialism was different than Chinese is different than north Korean. they all adapt marxist principles to fit their own culture so they all have different problems after their respective revolutions.

What changes did lenin make?

He turned it into a socialist economy. He took control of all major heavy industry and put it under government control. Smaller businesses were left alone mainly because the country was just too large for the new revolutionary government to take control of everything and plan the entire economy. Peasant farmers were also allowed to retain land at first, but were forced to sell much of their crops to the government at prices the government fixed. Lenin imposed harsh economic policies on the country . This came to be known as "War Communism," but there was much dissatisfaction among the peasants who were losing too much of their crops for no return and Russia's industrial production dropped to pre Revolutionary levels. IN order to rebuild Russia's economy, he instituted the New Economic Policy, which brought back some aspects of capitalism temporarily.

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Elana Nep's birth name is Elana Simone Nep.

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NEP Broadcasting was created in 1984.

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NEP Telephone was created in 1900.

How tall is Elana Nep?

Elana Nep is 5' 2".

What was the intent of lenins new economic policy (NEP)?

The New Economic Policy (NEP) was intended to reverse some of the economic ravages caused by the previous policy of War Communism had inflicted on the country.

When was Elana Nep born?

Elana Nep was born on August 2, 1981, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

How do you Determine the Nep Impurities in the Fabric?

Nep is produced by poor ginning quality or spinning process handled poorly of fiber, immature cotton or dead cotton.Discriminant method is as follows: (1) Nep in the yarn, regardless of yellow, white, round, flat, big or small, if it can be identified by the examiner 's eyesight,we called it nep. (2) Fibers gathered into a group, regardless of loose and tight, are called nep. (3) Neps formed by immature cotton, dead cotton (pieces, lices,strips), are called nep. (4)Though yellow and white fiber are not formed nep, it formed flock and part of them wrapped around the yarn is called nep. (5) Adhesional neps, are called nep. (6) Neps with impurities, we called them neps,not impurities. (7) All thick cotton yarn evenness, checked according to evenness, not neps.

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How was the NEP desined to work?


What were the 3 main features of the NEP?


Who is nep?

maginoo pero mejo bastos

What does NEP stand for?

New Economic Policy