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Q: What did franz josef do in world war 1?
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When did the first war begin?

How Did World War 1 Start? The immediate cause for World War 1 was the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his pregnant wife Sophie. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was the nephew of Emperor Franz Josef and heir to the throne of Austria and Hungary

When was Franz Josef Gottlieb born?

Franz Josef Gottlieb was born on November 1, 1930, in Semmering, Lower Austria, Austria.

Who was Franz Ferdinand of World War 1?

he was assinated and that started world war one.

Who was the first person shot in World War 1?

It was the asassination of Franz Ferdinand that started the war. = =

Who was assassinated because of world war 1?

Franz Ferdinard

World War 1 began after the assassination of?

World war 1 started after the Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated.

Who were the leaders of Austria-Hungary in 1914?

Emperor Franz Josef I was the ruler of Austria-Hungary during World War 1. He was the uncle of the assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, who had been his designated heir.Franz Josef gave titular command to Archduke Friedrich von Österreich-Teschen, but the real authority was held by the head of the General Staff, Count Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf.

Who was the first name of the Austrian archduke who was assassinated in world war 1?

The head of state of Austria was an emperor, not a king. Franz Joseph I died in 1916 and was succeede by Karl I.

Who was the ruler of austria-hungary in world war 1?

The ruler of the Austrio-Hungarian Empire during WWI was Franz Joseph I, his son, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assiasinated by a Serbian nationalists Society,the mans last name was Princip; and thus lead to the begining of first it was Franz Josef until his death in 1916

Who was the leader of Austria Hungary during World War 1 Franz Joesph or Franz Ferdinand?

Franz Ferdinand was killed by Gavrilo Princip in 1914, just before the war.

How was World War 1 started?

the assassination of archduke franz furdinand

Who is the Emperor of Austria during World War 1?

Franz Joseph