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America- independent in 1776

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Q: What country has been independent for more than 200 years?
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How long has china been a country?

First off.....long beofre anyone even though of the U.S.... It happened more then once, so right after WW1 (or right before not sure). Then thousands and thousands of years ago!!

What immagration influenced Australia?

According to Pauline Hanson, it "sold the country out". It has made Australia a multicultural country. This has made people more respective of other's beliefs and culture.

Has society become more violent?

Sometimes it appears that society has become more violent, but FBI crime figures show that violent crime in the US has been down the last six years in a row, nationwide. Violent crime in Los Angeles has been down for 11 straight years.

How did political development in England contribute to the decline of feudalism in Europe?

England became the first industrialised country. The ownership of land, which had been the aristoracy's means of controlling the populace became increasingly irrelevent as more money was made in factories.

What country is over 700 years old?

Very few countries are within exactly the same borders that they were in 700 years ago, though you would broadly recognise many from comparative maps of the present day and 700 years ago. Big players like China did exist 700 years ago, and more, but within different boundaries. Even some smaller ones like England and Scotland. If there is a country exactly like it was 700 years ago, it is probably a small country which is unlikely to have had much invasion risk from surrounding countries, possibly Nepal. Try also Ethiopia.

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Which country has been independent for more than 200 years?


Which Caribbean country been indendent for more than 200 years?

Haiti is the Caribbean country that has been independent for more than 200 years. It gained independence from France in 1804 after a successful slave rebellion, making it one of the oldest independent nations in the region.

Why is Britain becoming more independent significant?

Britain has been independent, politically, for over 300 years. It is not becoming more so

Is Nepal an independent countries?

Nepal has been independent country since more then 2000 years. did you know that It is an insult to Nepal's sovereignty.Nepal is one of those countries that has never been conquered or ruled by the outsiders and have survived the battles with British India and many times with Tibet(China).

When did the Bosnia-herzegovina end?

Bosnia and Herzegovina never ended, it exist more than thousand years, and still exist today as an independent country, and is a member of UN.

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What president might have been born in a foreign country?

If the president was an American citizen for more that 14 years, then maybe.

Is Somalia safe?

No, Somalia is not a Safe Country because Somalia has been in war for more than 20 years.

When was Irans independence?

Iran has more than 7000 year history and it was an independent country-- named "Aryanna" which then changed into "Iran" and as Greeks called it "Persia"-- pretty much all of it.

How many years of history does china have?

its been anounced to be the country with the longest history which goes back to more than 6000 years.

Does Zimbabwe have traditions?

Yes, the the country has been populated for thousands of years, it stands to reason they have tradtions. see the related link for more

-Some countries may have more than one independence day?

no because the day country got independent from another country is that day