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Q: What countries were involve in trading goods and Africans through the middle passage?
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What is called the passage of energy through something?

The passage of energy through something is called energy transfer. This can involve the transfer of heat, electricity, or other forms of energy from one object to another.

What does middle passage refer to?

The middle passage is significant because is shows you how slaves were transported, and teaches you about what Africans went through and how they were treated.

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Some Africans became free through efforts such as abolition movements, slave revolts, legal rulings, and international pressure on countries to end slavery. Additionally, some Africans gained freedom through emancipation decrees or treaties that abolished slavery in various regions.

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Passage Through Time was created in 1995.

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The Northwest Passage was the direct water route through the Americas to Asia. This route was highly sought after by explorers in order to increase trade between countries in Europe and countries in Asia.

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A narrow passage through land is called a gorge.

Was there Africans in the US before slavery?

Africans were brought here through the triangular slave trade between European countries, Africa, and the New World. There was no other race in the Americans other than the Native American Indians before the European cultures came over, bringing the slaves from Africa with them. So, in short, no, Africans weren't a part of the United States territories before they were brought over through slavery.

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