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Q: What countries impacted badly in World War 1?
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Why is it called WW1?

WW1 is short for Wold War 1. It was the first war that truly impacted all the countries of the world.

Which American war impacted the US?

The wars that impacted the united states was the vietnam war and world war 2. world war 2 because it occurred immediately after the great depression , and the vietnam war because it was a unessesary war.Because our world is shrinking at an alarming pace, ALL wars affect all countries.

How were immigrants impacted by world war 1 and world war 2?

They were lynched.

What was a military job that impacted World War 2?

Nursing was very much impacted.

How was the World impacted from World War 2?

The world was impacted with the deaths of 50-72 million people. It saw several countries change government. The United Nations was also created. Economics were changed because the war drug the entire world out of the Great Depression. The war also changed the high level of pacifism that was present before it. If there is anything more specific, let me know.

How was the world's economy affected after World War 2?


How was russia impacted more dramatically by world war 1 than the western European countries?

Russia became part of an entirely new country based on Communism.

How was Russia impacted more dramatically by world war 1 than western European countries?

Russia became part of an entirely new country based on Communism.

How did Harry S. Truman impact US society in the 1950s?

Harry S Truman impacted the US societin the 1950 because he started a program giving aid to countries who were against communism.Another of his programs gave aid to countries damaged by World War 2

How did world war 2 impact fashion?

World War II impacted fashion by exposing fashion trends and designs from around the world to many countries. This helped to spread many styles far more rapidly than would have otherwise been possible.

How did world war 2 effect Italy's people?


How did Mandela impacted the world?

he change the world and he help hes country peole from the war and he spead the world