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Q: What city I am Europe was divided into 4 sectors following ww2?
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Which city was divided into four sectors at the end of world war ll?


Which city was divided into four sectors at the end of world war ii?


What city is now the only divided city in Europe?

Istanbul is the most famous, but in reality, there are 6 more transcontinental cities in Europe.

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What city was divided into four different sections?

Immediately after WWII, the German capitol of Berlin was divided into four sectors, each occupied by one of the four major allied powers (the Soviet Union, the United States, the United Kingdom and France).

Which city lies on the both continent Europe and Asia?

Istanbul, Turkey is the city that lies on both the continent of Europe and Asia. The city is divided by the Bosphorus Strait, with one side in Europe and the other in Asia.

Why was the city of Berlin such an impact on during the cold war?

Because it was a divided city with various sectors under the control of different countries and located in an area controlled only by the Soviet Union.

what city was divided following the end of world war 2?


What city was divided following the end of World War ll?

Berlin, Germany

Who controls Hebron?

Hebron is a city in the West Bank under the joint control of Israel and the Palestinian Authority. The city is divided into two sectors - H1 controlled by the Palestinian Authority and H2 controlled by Israel.

Why was berlin divided into 4 zones?

The city of Berlin was in the middle of the Soviet zone. The Soviet zone is the part of German that ended up becoming Communist East Germany. But then in the city of Berlin you had occupation as well except in the city they were called 'sectors'. And just like the Soviet zone, the Soviet sector of Berlin ended becoming East Germany (the capitol, in fact). However the American, British and French sectors in the west part of the city stayed 'free' after the whole Berlin Blockade/Airlift debacle of 1948 and ended up a part of West Germany, although the capitol was moved to Bonn, and Berlin always had special legal and political status applied.

Which city in the world is on 2 continents?

Istanbul is the only city in the world that is located on two continents, Europe and Asia, divided by the Bosporus Strait.