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Q: What are three effects of imperialism on the colonies?
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What was the policy of acquiring colonies?

Imperialism, the policy of acquiring colonies

The policy of includes the establishment of colonies and the building of an empire?


What is true about the effects of imperialism?

imperialism destroyed local traditions

What effects did imperialism have on Europe?

The affects of imperialism have been the multitude of deaths that it created in the lands where imperialistic powers made colonies and settlements. Despite the advantages of the imperialists in the use of the weapons they had, the peoples of the various colonies still attempted revolts from time to time. This was especially true in the Spanish colonies in the Western Hemisphere and in India. For the most part, the affects centered on taking valuable farm products, and precious metals from the colonies and in many cases using the victims low cost labor to harvest & mine for various ores and minerals. The peoples in the colonies were forced to buy manufactured products to help the European mercantilism types of economies. When newer economic policies replaced the mercantile system, the affects on the captive peoples remained the same. Nothing can justify enslaving entire populations of people on their own lands, however, if there can be any salvation for these people, it at least, in time, gave them modern methods and the education to help their lands when the colonies became free nations.

What were three positive effects of European imperialism in Kenya?

it was sweet :)

Can you give me a sentence for imperialism?

The tyrannical empire's imperialism was not tolerated very well in the colonies.

What are the positive effects of imperialism?

It's difficult to place a positive spin on Imperialism. If one stretches long enough it can be said that to a certain degree it helped to modernize certain colonies. But the cost was very high.

How did us imperialism differ from the imperialism of nations with extractive economies?

the united states sought colonies as market. other nations used colonies' resources

Which of the following statements is true about the effects of imperialism?

Imperialism destoryed local traditions.

What was taking over countries and turning them into colonies called?

Imperialism. It's not exactly "taking" over the countries, but definitely turning the territories into colonies. There are two types of imperialism, but the one you are probably looking for is New Imperialism.

What role did imperialism play in Europe's push toward war?

Imperialism led to competition between countries for colonies, increasing tensions.

Policy of taking colonies and building an empire?

A policy of taking colonies and building an empire is known as imperialism. An example of imperialism would be the former British Empire.